9 Tips for Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls at Your Facility

Slips Trips Falls in the workplace

Where does the line between clumsy worker and workplace slips, trips and fall hazards get drawn? Chances are if a clumsy worker ends up hurting himself under your watch, the outcome will be the same: worker complaints, workers comp, fines you name it. All workers aren’t created equally, treat them as individuals and give them all the time they need to understand training and proper safety procedures to ensure that your company won’t be left on the hook for a slip up in safety later.

  1. Have a regularly scheduled safety check on the condition of walkways, steps, and new or existing hazardous openings. Repair damages immediately
  2. Have proper railings installed wherever there are openings or stairs to prevent slips and falls
  3. Never stand on chairs or tables with wheels
  4. Only have workers carry loads of a comfortable weight
  5. Train workers to pay attention to signs and posted hazard warnings
  6. Workers should always have a clear view of what is in front of them when carrying something
  7. Have workers look ahead when walking or climbing stairs
  8. Use floor safety signs and anti-skid adhesive tape in high traffic areas
  9. Avoid slips, trips and falls in the workplace by having proper matting throughout your facility where spills are more likely to occur

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